INHALE DUBCLUB #2 invites 10.000Lions

We are proud to announce an other episode of INHALE DUBCLUB.
For this second edition we'll have India's first soundsystem operator flown in. 10.000 Lions is hyped to play in Belgium for the firtst time.
Inhale soundsystem will host this night on their 6 scoop tall soundsystem. Man called Dub Tubbie will guide you true the night lyricaly.
Presale: 10 euro.
At the door: 10 euro
Our venue has a limitted capacity.
Want to be sure you'll get in? Grab your tickets in advance!


15/12/2023 22:00h

Inhale Soundsystem

MS Hoeve Master Schmidt Hoeve, August van de Wielelei, Antwerp, Belgium
