Blue Zone
"Blue Zone is a term used to identify a demographic and / or geographical area of the world where life expectancy is significantly higher than the world average."
For us, metaphorically, every time there is a sound system mounted, magic is created. A small earthly paradise. A Blue Zone.
Blue Zone is an acoustic project that was born in the Trentino mountains in 2018, given the need of Mattia and Giosuè to find a powerful way to spread the music that they have listened to, promoted and collected for years.
Hence the idea of self-building the sound system, a powerful means of sound propagation, through which one intends to share a strong message of brotherhood, peace, unity.
The 5-way system is characterized by the classic horn-loaded sub and an imposing high-frequency section, for powerful bass and crystal-clear voices.
The musical research starts from the Roots Reggae and reaches the contemporary Stepper, all with particular regard to the expressive power of each selected disc.
The sound system is currently managed by Mattia, who performs the functions of Selector and Operator. During the years of activity, however, various people have joined (and are joining), with whom a true crew is being formed.
Always evolving, born to share.